What is permanent makeup?
Permanent make up is arguably the most positive and life changing cosmetic treatment available within the beauty industry. Permanent makeup can help you regain confidence by restoring features lost or compromised due to the ravages of time or illness making a real positive life changing difference to the way you look and feel.
Permanent makeup - For a subtle, natural result!
You may prefer an understated natural look, requiring a procedure that closely imitates and enhances your natural features… you only better!
Fine natural looking hair stroke eyebrows, a little extra fullness and definition to your lash line, or a subtle blush to your lips.
Wake up with Permanent Makeup!
Alternatively, you may wish to create a more glamorous ‘makeup’ look, perhaps a little bolder and more dramatic?
With permanent make up you could for example closely imitate your favourite lipstick, eyeliner or eyebrow pencil, enabling you to wake up with perfect brows, eyes and a healthy blush of colour to your lips.
Permanent makeup - Correct & Re-shape!
Perhaps you have specific feature ‘issues’ that you’d like to address such as correcting symmetry, adjusting fullness, shape or colour. Expertly applied, natural looking permanent makeup can make these ‘corrections’ dramatically altering your appearance in a positive way.