Undo unwanted
permanent makeup
or tattoos

You can start again!

What is PhiRemoval?

Have you ever had any experience with bad permanent makeup or a tattoo and you’re desperately wanting to get rid of it?Don’t wait any longer and take this unique opportunity that will change your life forever. PhiRemoval is highly efficient and the safest way to remove your unwanted product.

How does PhiRemoval work?

PhiRemoval is based on glycolic acid. This ingredient features a high penetration rate and when applied to the skin it deeply penetrates surrounding tissues too. For this reason there is no need to expose the skin to severe mechanical procedures by pmu machines or manual techniques because the product itself performs a large share of the work. A staccato motion is applied to the area which perfectly “opens” the skin, thus avoiding damaging the skin structure. Having penetrated into the depositing skin layer, Phiromoval liquefies the ink and pulls it up.

Is PhiRemoval safe?

PhiRemoval is non-colour selective (applicable to all ink colours), efficient, less scarring and significantly less expensive.

2-6 treatments are usually needed for permanent makeup and body tattoo removal with minimal scarring risk. The treated area initially experiences erythema (redness) which gradually diminishes leaving the skin perfectly healthy.