Turn back the clock

The latest technology for younger looking skin

What is Plasmas skin tightening?

Plasma Skin Tightening is the only cosmetic treatment to use plasma to eliminate excess skin. Low risk, minimal downtime and more affordable than surgery.

Plasma Skin Tightening is suitable for:

  • Non Surgical Eye lift
  • Neck lift
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Skin Tag Removal
  • Tummy Tightening
  • Stretch Marks
  • Acne scarring

How does plasma skin tightening work?

The Plasma Skin Tightening method has many advantages over cosmetic surgery, which makes it an increasingly popular option.

The precision plasma pen works by utilising the voltage in the air between its tip and the skin, to form a plasma charge. An electrical arc is created and instantly shrinks the targeted skin. The tissue retraction and tightening gives results that are comparable to invasive surgery.

What is plasma used to treat?

Plasma Skin Tightening is able to treat a number of imperfections without any actual cutting of the skin. It can be used for:

  • Eyelid Tightening, including lower eyelids and excess upper eyelid skin.
  • Skin imperfections, including skin tags and sunspots.
  • Improvement in the appearance of acne scars
  • Diminishing Stretch marks.
  • Tightening loose stomach skin after pregnancy.
  • Lines and wrinkles around the mouth.
  • Plasma Facelift and Plasma Neck Lift.

How long do plasma results last?

As Plasma Skin Tightening is more than a simple tightening treatment, so the effects should last as long as they would with invasive surgery. Like all surgical and cosmetic procedures, the effects of plasma treatment are not entirely permanent as it does not stop any further ageing. But, the positive results should last you years depending on the area treated.

The positive effects of treatment will be noticeable immediately after the first treatment, but the best results will be seen after 8 weeks. For some, an additional treatment may be required after 12 weeks for maximum results.

How many plasma treatments are required?

The number of treatments required will vary according to the condition being treated, skin’s laxity, the desired degree of correction and the individual’s response to the treatment. Most clients see results instantly and this continues to improve over the following 8 weeks. Further treatments can be carried out to get better results, although it is unusual to require more than two treatments. Appointments must be spaced out by 8-12 weeks to allow the skin to heal fully.